7:00 Pre-Rounds
Cuando Me CHA V+2+2 CHA by Preskitt
Concierto de Aranjuez IV BOL by Nolen
Exactly Like You IV+1 FT by Slater
You Are Always In My Heart III+2 RB by Slater
Smoke Slow Two Step IV+1 STS by Chico
Tango For Alma III TG/FT by de Jong/Kars
Four Walls II WZ by Croft/de Zordo
Rockin' Two Step II TS by Warner
7:30 Square Dance Party
Americana CHA III+2 CHA by Gill + Chili Sauce II TS by Barton
Calendar Girl IV+1 JV by Rotscheid + Waltz Magic II WZ by Bassett
Neville's Waltz IV WZ by Parker + Briar Patch II+1 TS
Y Bailo III+1+2 CHA by Chadd + So Good In Love II WZ by Glenn
Feelin' Lucky II TS by Hanson
So, at the end of the night, we had a square of four and a rectange of six going at the same time. That lasted about half a tip until we decided to merge them and ended up with a giant rectangle of ten couples. Here is our giant rectange where bigger is better - and even more fun!
[caption id="attachment_100" align="aligncenter" width="3264"] 10 couple rectangle ready to go[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_99" align="aligncenter" width="3264"] 10 couple rectangle dancing[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_98" align="aligncenter" width="3264"] 10 couple rectangle dancing[/caption]